Andrew Smyth

Andrew Smyth

Andrew Smyth


Therapist, Coach, Active Hope Creator

Santa Barbara, CA, USA


Licensed therapist specializing in helping individuals wake to their innate potential so to remember our interconnection with the web of life. Coaching in practices of deep resiliency, mindfulness, nature connection and somatic resourcing. Currently filming a documentary called LISTEN which emphasizes that nature has all the answers we need, we humans just need to learn how to listen.


I believe that when human beings learn how to tap into the infinite capacity of the heart and reach out a humble hand in service of peace, justice, and freedom ripples become waves of monumental change. If we can slow down enough and quite our busy minds, working playfully as a collective hive, with shared intention, we can tune into higher frequencies which are being asked of our world today. Fundamental to creating this hive mind however is the building of trust. Without trust we can never relax enough to allow our small minded ego self to step aside and allow higher potential in. I work typically on an individual level in helping people slow down and tune into what is present in their mind, body and spirit. I enjoy connecting people with nature and helping them learn from the environments they exist in. With nature as our role model we can learn from its wisdom and how to function in healthy ways to build systems which protect and regenerate its living system.


- Addressing the overly stimulated society and helping people slow down - Increasing awareness on an individual and systemic level - Addressing burnout from those who are actively on the frontlines of mental health - Helping people fall in love with nature again so to desire its protection


Elevating humanities conscious awareness of our interdependence on the natural world and our responsibility as stewards and future regenerators.

Atlantic Crossing / The Alliance

The Alliance