Jyoti Ma

Jyoti Ma

Jyoti Ma

New Economies

New Economies

New Economies




the Fountain for Natural Order of Our Existence the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

Founder of The Fountain for Natural Order of Our Existence Delegate on the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

Guerneville, Californai USA

Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies (centerforsacredstudies.org), she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain (https://thefountain.earth) It’s mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. Currently, as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations a collaboration with the Fountain has grown, creating a global movement for and with the Earth that is ready to activate the New Day.


In my world, change is brought through following the direction of the Original Peoples, and in service to prophecy and the instruction it is bringing to these times. An example is the direction the Mother Earth is currently bringing to us through the Kogi Peoples of South America. She has given us a formula for healing--she is having us restore a 9 part broken body through acquiring land trusts, so that the land can be returned to the Kogi. As we enter each part of this body, we follow the original principles of that territory, so that the foundation for the restoration of the ecology and the culture are initiated. We have done 3 parts so far, and are just beginning the fourth. They say the first was the head--the memory. The second was the ears--sound. The third was the eyes--the light. The fourth will be the mouth --connection. Once this body is fully restored, the Kogi say that a healing for sacred territories will be felt globally. As this is occurring, pagamentos (earth payments) are being done. These payments are called for by Mother Earth and occur in different places around the planet. This has most recently happened in Greenland, Iceland, and along the Black Line in the La Sierra Nevada of Colombia. This Black Line connects all the sacred territories of the Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Kogi and Wiwa. This work also takes them to sacred sites, so they can restore balance. The Fountain has been built through the instruction of the Mamos of the Kogi, Arhuaco and the Wiwa over this last 12 years. It is this deep study in Mother Law and Nature's original way of life that I bring to this table. I am grateful for the almost 40 years of teaching and initiation that the elders have brought to me and my community. I am grateful for the deep relations that have formed over these years with elders both in the Mother Earth Delegation and other elders globally. I am grateful for the teachings of our plant medicines and the earth protocols they awakened in us. And as a grandmother, I am grateful to be finding others that have been called and are walking the New Dawn!!!!


The biggest challenge is finding those that are ready to share resources to fill what I call the Mother Pond. If that pond is full, then when the elders receive instruction from Mother Earth, we can immediately flow the resources that will allow that work to unfold in a timely way. When this flow is established, then we will have returned to Mother Law rather than Man made Law. As this flow supports our Original Peoples on the ground, reciprocity for the root cultures is regenerated. Another challenge is finding the resources to support the small staff that are holding all this work.


The Kogi brought a message to us in October of last year. It has now gone viral. It is called Mother's Message. You can view it on the Fountain website. In this message she says we have two more years to make a choice. She says she can no longer carry the maladies we have put upon her and are still putting on her. She must begin her healing process as her ascension process pulls her. We have two choices. We can support her original peoples--her original caretakers as they receive the instructions to her healing. Or she will have to take her healing into her own hands. That will be more severe upon humanity. So she is shouting out--Please wake to the moment of choice humanity is in. As this message went viral, many many elders globally shared how they are receiving the same timing. That for generations they knew of these prophetic times of transformation, and these times are here now!!! The call to action is for creative collaboration and spiritually directed movements that honor all life as sacred. A moment where the impossible is possible. Where the heart is lighting our way. Where we can deeply listen and be the New Dawn walking.

Atlantic Crossing / The Alliance

The Alliance