My theory of change is that we will see the world move from a national currency based model to a more seamless direct settlement from B2b and G2G through tokenized assets, digital settlements, and a currency-less economic distribution model run by ai agents and advanced market making technologies. I am a rather unique individual who has played both technical founder, geopolitical negotiator, and policy advocate. As a result I have a unique blend of expertise from technical expertise in cryptography, machine learning, neural net methodologies, and blockchain infrastructure. All the while having been on the front lines of middle east geopolitics, spending years in combat zones working with refugees, writing political and regulatory legislation in the united states and EU, and meeting with countless world leaders such as the President of the United States, Speaker of the House, leaders of State in the Middle East, South Korea, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria and more.
The biggest challenge I currently have is capital and continued access into the largest banks and asset managers.
I have only one ask of the Earth one community; and that is to spend 15 minutes thinking of what an economy could look like being led from a non currency first mindset.