Virgilio dos Santos Varela

Virgilio dos Santos Varela

Virgilio dos Santos Varela








Youth Parliament Coordinator Youth Fund Coordinator Social innovation Hub Manager CEO @ Humanfleet


Born in Portugal to Cape Verdean parents, Virgílio Varela has been pioneering solutions for complex challenges through conceptualising, designing, and facilitating large group conferences and workshops with diverse stakeholders including, multinational companies, public sector actors, and social entrepreneurs since 1994.

With over 30 years of dedicated service marked by excellence, creativity, sustainability, and critical thinking, Virgílio employs a repertoire of transformative methodologies such as Dragon Dreaming, ABCD, System Thinking, Design Thinking, Biomimicry, Open Space Technology, and Theory U. He is certified as a consultant, trainer, and International Association of Facilitators (IAF) facilitator.

His career includes designing and facilitating for international organisations including the European Commission, United Nations, UNESCO, as well as government institutions such as Lisbon City Council. Virgílio possesses a rich tapestry of experience spanning diverse geographies from the Global North and South. virgiliovarela

D.O.B. • 29.03.74



Portuguese (Native)

Cape Verdean Creole (Native)

English (C1)

Key Skills:

Proven application of tools and methods since 2011, including: Dragon Dreaming-Sustainable Project Design, Theory-U, Asset Based Community Development, Oasis Game, Systems Change, Processwork, Appreciative Inquiry, Possibility Management, Storytelling as a leadership tool, Regenerative Approach, Life Centric Design, Biomimicry, Deep Ecology, Work That Reconnects practitioner, Open Space Technology, Liberating Structures, Design Thinking, World Café & Art of Hosting.

30 years of working with social innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, and Collaboration in the public, private and social sectors

Cross cultural country and regional experience:

Virgílio has worked in Portugal, Spain, Poland, Latvia, Brazil, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, Mozambique, and Cape Verde.


MA in Education Language and Ethnicities, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, KING’S COLLEGE LONDON (2005-2007) Dissertation: An examination of the learning strategies used by young adult Portuguese language speakers in their learning of English in London

BA (Hons) Modern Language and Literature English and Portuguese studies, UNIVERSIDADE AUTÓNOMA DE LISBOA (1999-2003)

Training on Didactical Tools and Innovative Methods

Non-Violent Communication, DOMINIC BARTER - BRAZIL (2022) Design Thinking, EDX (2021)

Theory U Process, PRESENCING INSTITUTE (2019)

Storytelling, THOMAS BAKK (2018)

ABCD - Asset Based Community Development, NURTURE DEVELOPMENT (2016) Oasis Game, ELOS INSTITUTE - BRAZIL (2016)

Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, INSEAD BUSINESS SCHOOL (2014)

Dragon Dreaming Sustainable Project Design, Trainer the Trainer, GERMANY (2011) Creative Confidence Training, Co-author with Katja Tschimmel

Career Summary

Senior Consultant and Co-Founder, HUMANFLEET (2019 – present) Independent Consultant, (2015-2019)

Senior Social Innovation Manager, EDP Foundation (2011 – 2015) Project Manager, DO SOMETHING (2010-2011)


Selection of Relevant Professional Assignments

Taproot Earth All Staff Retreats, TAPROOT EARTH

In-Person October 2023 – April 2024 (20 months)

Design and facilitation of two all staff retreats for Taproot Earth, a leading organisation working on climate justice in the USA. The retreats brought together 40 team members in-person in California and South Carolina. Plenary and small group reflections helped the team, which usually works remotely, to re-connect, align and transition into a new governance and operational model. Provided continued support between the retreats.

- Didactical tools and methods applied: Dragon Dreaming Project Design, Regenerative Principles, Biomimicry, Liberating Structures, The Grove Visual Canvas, Visual Facilitation, Storytelling and Appreciative Inquiry, Work that Reconnects, Culture Talk, Theory U, Embodiment and Somatic practices, Social Presencing Theatre.

Leadership Development,


In-Person, and remote, December to February 2023 (3 months)

Design and facilitate collaborative leadership for a team of 20 NHS professionals. The meeting series aimed at developing collaborative working relationships and aligning on group purpose and vision in order to engage with new organisational structures and diverse stakeholders.

- Didactical tools and methods applied: Liberating Structures, Deep Listening, Appreciative Inquiry, Theory of Change, roundtable discussion, Playfulness

Regional Strategy in Alentejo, ESDIME

In-person and remote design, October 2021 – January 2023 (16 months)

Provided strategic support to a diverse audience of stakeholders from private, public and social sectors including citizens and government officials in the regional strategy process for Alentejo. The strategy process involved over 200 people in the design of the community audit and definition of the regional strategy. Our team led the design process of the citizens’ involvement and held consultative workshops, using a wide range of methodologies and tools.

We put together a small group of stakeholders and provided training the 3 main methodologies: Dragon Dreaming project Design( used as meta framework), Open Space Technology and World Café. We also shared key facilitation concepts such as check in check out, holding space, summarizing, briefing and debriefing. The design and facilitating included individual reflections, journalling, small group work, moments of mindfulness, visualizations techniques. Teams were created to deepen the work between sessions ( Strategic Actions Plans). They would return and present finding to a larger a group and receive feedback. There was a overall facilitation plan and the team would respond and adapt to needs and desires of the larger group of stakeholders.

- Didactical tools and methods applied: Dragon Dreaming Project Design, The Grove Visual Approach, Liberating Structures, Design Thinking, Work That Reconnects, Open Space Technology, World Café, Storytelling, Regenerative Principles, Life Centric Design, Biomimicry, Theory U, Music, Circle Dance

MOVHERS, GIRL MOVE ACADEMY Remote, May to October 2022 (6 months)

Design and facilitate a global online leadership program for young female leaders and change makers in Africa to connect with world leaders and move humanity for good. The design process required co-creaTve working across a number of different stakeholders and world leaders.

Over 50 change-makers from 5 continents took part in the program. I facilitated 30 sessions and group discussions, introduced key topics such as system thinking, regenerative principles, climate change, Social entreprenship, conflict resolution and problem solving, provided mentoring sessions to teams and individuals, developed content and handbooks, debriefed 10 partner organizations and global leaders,

- Didactical tools and methods applied: Theory of Change, Storytelling, Mindfulness, Social Entrepreneurship tools, Work That Reconnects, Deep Ecology, Biomimicry, Dragon Dreaming

- Technologies Applied: Zoom Platform, Slack, Telegram, Miro Board

Citizen’s Assembly on Climate Change, LISBON COUNCIL In-person, February - June 2022 (4 months)

Design and facilitation of the first Citizen’s Assembly in Portugal, a 2-day meeting bringing together 50 citizens. Our team lead a constructive discussion about climate change and used processes that allowed participants to co-create proposals to moving the climate agenda forward.

- Didactical tools and methods applied: Work Café, Work That Reconnects, Liberating Structures, Proaction Café, Design Thinking

Atlantis Program and Mission Atlantis

From 2020-2021

Atlantic Crossing / The Alliance

The Alliance